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体外:是Søren,Lind,Larissa,Sansour导演在2019年出品的英国科幻片影片,其主要演员有西娅姆·阿巴斯,麦莎·阿德哈迪,Ameer,Assadi,Walaa,Eltiti,Yazeed,Faruja,Marah,Abu,Srour等,主要剧情:'In Vitro' is an otherworldly rumination on memory, history, place and identity. Set in Bethlehem decades after an ecological-disaster, the dying founder of a subterranean orchard is engaged in a dialogue with her young successor, who was born underground and has never seen the town she's destined to replant and repopulate. Inherited trauma, exile and collective memory are central themes.
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